Guides to Amberley Church
Allen, John. Sussex Parish Churches: A primary source of information on churches in East and West Sussex (Accessed: 6 March 2019) Includes detailed, illustrated descriptions of every parish church in Sussex. The entry on Amberley Church is at
Beech, Robert. An Encyclopaedia of English Medieval Carpentry (Accessed: 6 March 2019) A superb resource of information on church woodwork. Many detailed drawings and photographs.
Bone, David A. (2016) Historic building stones and their distribution in the churches and chapels of West Sussex, England, Proceedings of the Geologists’ Assocation, 127, 53-77
Bradley, Simon (2016) Churches: An Architectural Guide New Haven: Yale University Press
A “Pevsner Introduction”, intended to complement the Pevsner Architectural Guides. An excellent introduction to English church architecture.
Brandwood, G.K. (1990) To scrape or not to scrape? Plaster, stucco and Victorian church restorers in Leicestershire, Transactions of Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society, 64, 73-77.
Cannon, Jon (2017) Medieval Church Architecture Oxford: Shire Publications
An excellent guide to the different architectural styles.
Clarkson, Revd G.A. (1865) Notes on Amberley, its Castle, Church, etc, Sussex Archaeological Collections 17, pp.185-239. (digital copy available here please note the .pdf file is 20MB)
Clarkson was the vicar of Amberley who was responsible for the 1864 “Reparations”.
Cordiner, Roger and Brook, Anthony (2017) Building Stone Atlas of Sussex Worthing: published for authors by Verite CM Ltd.
An important reference. Beautifully illustrated, it is a comprehensive resource of information on the material used in the construction of mediaeval Sussex churches. The information in The Building Stones of Amberley Church is largely drawn from this publication and used with permission, with additional information provided by Roger Cordiner. This book supercedes Birch, R. & Cordiner, R. (2014) Building Stones of West Sussex: published by the authors.
Drummond-Roberts, M.F. (1935) Some Sussex Fonts Photographed and Described Brighton: Southern Publishing Co.
Foxell, Nigel (2004) Amberley Church, Newsletter of the Friends of the Sussex Historic Churches Trus 2004, pp.6-7
Foxell, Nigel (2005) Amberley Church: A Critical Appreciation London: Menard Press.
An interesting, idiosyncratic, approach to St Michael’s, very much based on looking at the building.
Godfrey, W.H. (1935) Plan of Parish Church of St Michael’s Church, Amberley, The Archaeological Journal 92, 410
There is no fully accurate plan of Amberley Church, but Godfrey’s plan (image below) is probably the most useful.

Godfrey, W.H. (1940) St Michael, Amberley, Sussex Notes and Queries 8, p.102
Same plan as in Godfrey 1935.
Gravett, K. (1985) Church of St Michael, Amberley in Proceedings of the Summer Meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute at Chichester in 1985, The Archaeological Journal 142, p.61.
King, Andy (2015) A Building Stone Atlas of West Sussex (including part of the South Downs National Park, Strategic Stone Study. Historic England.
Available only as a pdf, online, at (Retrieved 6 March 2019). This publication complements that of Cordiner & Brook, and incorporates data from Roger Cordiner.
McNamara, Denis R. (2011) How to Read Churches: A crash course in Christian architecture. London: Bloomsbury Publishing
Covers all Christian churches, everywhere. Its many very detailed drawings are small, lightly inked, and hard to read. The coverage is too broad to be of great use as regards English churches.
Morris, J., ed. (1976) Domesday Book: Sussex Chichester: Phillimore.
Williamson, E., Hudson, T., Musson, J., and Nairn, I. (2019) Sussex: West, pp.83-87. The Buildings of England. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Originally written by Ian Nairn and Nikolaus Pevsner and published in 1965. Nairn’s article on Amberley is barely changed.
Needham, A. (1948) How to Study an Old Church, 3rd edition. London: B.T. Batsford Ltd.
An excellent book, profusely illustrated with hand drawings by the author. Fittingly, its first illustration is of St Michael’s, Amberley. Concerned only with English churches. Out of print, but readily – and inexpensively – available secondhand. Strongly recommended.
Peat A.H. and Halsted, L.C. (1912) Churches and Other Antiquities of West Sussex, pp.22-25. Chichester: J.W. Moore.
Doesn’t contain any information which is not in the present guide to St Michael’s.
Rodwell, Warwick (2012) The Archaeology of Churches. Stroud: Amberley Publishing.
The text on the subject. Invaluable. An earlier version (2005; 224 pp) was published by Tempus in 2005 and is still available but the later version (384 pp) is much more comprehensive.
Sharp, Geoffrey R. (2011) Historic Engish Churches: A Guide to their Construction, Design and Features. London: I.B.Tauris.
Possibly the most detailed and comprehensive guide to how churches were built. Many detailed drawings and illustrative photographs.
St Michael, Amberley, in The Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain & Ireland, (Accessed: 6 March 2019)
Contains detailed descriptions of the Romanesque details in St Michael’s, and discusses the probable architectural/construction link between Steyning Church and Amberley Church.
Stained glass windows at St Michael, (Accessed: 6 March 2019)
Lists the stained glass windows in St Michael’s, with the names of firms responsible.
Staines, E.N. (1967) A Lost Brass at Amberley, Sussex, Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, 10, pp.397-98
Staines, Revd E.N. (1971) Dear Amberley: A Guide to Amberley and History of the Parish, pp.32-42. Amberley: Amberley Parochial Parish Council.
This booklet is out of print, but a .pdf version is available for download here. (Please note this is a 10MB file)
Walker, A.K. (1908) An Introduction to the Study of English Fonts, with Details of those in Sussex. London: Woodford Fawcett and Co.