Stained Glass
Sanger window
The stained glass in the east window of the aisle is a memorial to Nina Sanger, who died in 1915. It is by Clayton & Bell.

Sanger window
The window represents Dorcas and a young child. Dorcas, or Tabitha, is mentioned in the Bible in The Acts of the Apostles (Acts 9:36-42) as a disciple from Joppa. She “was full of good works, and alms deeds which she did”, including making coats and garments for the poor. She fell sick and died, but St Peter was sent for, and raised her from the dead. As a result of this miracle “many believed on the Lord”.
Jennings window
The two-light window in the south wall of the aisle, of 1933, is by Veronica Whall. It portrays St Edith and child on the left, and an angel on the right. The memorial is to Edith Octavia Jennings, of Amberley House (almost opposite the church), who died in Florence in 1931. The text at the foot of the right-hand window is from Psalm 31: 24: “Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart all ye that hope in the Lord.“

Jennings window
Stott window
The semi-circular window in the north wall of the nave, occupying the top of the original and long-since blocked north doorway, is a memorial of 1919 to the artist Edward Stott.

Stott window
Stott lived for many years in Amberley. (His former house, just down the road from the church, is now called Stott’s Corner.) The window, portraying the entombment of Christ, was created by Stott’s friend Robert Anning Bell. The central part depicts the Deposition of Christ, and was the subject of one of Stott’s paintings. Some of the figures were local men and women. The model for Christ was paid sixpence (2½ p in today’s money) a session and sometimes nothing. The two bearers were professional models and were presumably paid more regularly.
Clarkson windows
The three lancets in the east wall of the chancel, inserted in 1901, form a memorial to the Revd G.A. Clarkson, the vicar of St Michael’s from 1840 to 1897, and the person responsible for the 1864 reparations.

Clarkson windows
The windows portray Christ’s Ascension, and are by Edward Jenkin Prest.
Bazely window
The west lancet in the south wall of the chancel is a memorial to Julia Bazely, a churchwarden of the parish, who died in 1917.

Bazely window
The window is by Morris & Co, and represents Charity (from 1st Corinthians 13:13: “The greatest of these is Charity”.
Caunter window
The central lancet on the south wall of the chancel is a memorial to the Revd D. Richard Macdonald Caunter, who came from Amberley, and his wife, Ann, who were married in the church in 1840.

Caunter window
This window represents the Marriage at Cana, when Christ transformed water into wine, the first miracle attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John.